The system's following distance is proportional to your speed so you it will bring you to a stop at a normal distance from the car that you are following. 这个系统的距离成正比,与你的速度,所以你就会给你一个停在一个正常的距离,你正在车。
She recommends a "stop, look, edit" protocol to put some distance between the writing and publishing, although she concedes there is some flexibility depending on the format. 她推荐一种名为“暂停,浏览,编辑”的工作流程,以便在内容撰写与发布之间隔出一定的时间差,不过她同意根据内容形式的不同可以稍作灵活处理。
There are places to stop along the road to look at the fields and forests down below and far in the distance. 在路边有很多地方可以停下来欣赏下面的远处旷野和森林。
Stop a few blocks away from your usual bus stop station and walk the distance. 在你平时下车的车站前几站下车,然后走回家去。
Research on Driving Safe Speed at Rain on Freeway Based on Stop Apparent Distance It's safest to keep well behind the car in front in case it suddenly stops. 基于停车视距的高速公路雨天行车安全车速研究与前面的汽车保持较大距离是最安全的,这样可以防备它突然刹车。
If you can not wear her Jiayi! Please stop untie the hands of her Yikou! Even if the mouth-to-mouth, hand in hand to maintain distance. 如果你不能给她穿上嫁衣!请你停止解开她衣扣的手!就算嘴对嘴的关系,也要保持手拉手距离。
When you press the tab key, your tab will stop across the page at the distance that you specified. 按下tab键时,您的制表位将在页面上您指定的距离处停止。
These brakes stop a car within a short distance. 这些制动器在短距离内能把车刹住。
A discussion is made regarding scaling focal length, optimization of stop distance and saving the time for OTF calculation. 对焦距缩放、光阑位置优化、节省几何光学传递函数(OTF)计算时间等提出了看法。
The city bus route database is based, including the stop station, the distance of every two stop station, the condition of road, and so on. 然后建立相应的公交路线数据库,此数据库包括停靠站点、车站间距、道路状况等信息。
In order to provide the convenience for passengers with the shortest travel time as the object, the mathematic model of optimizing average stop distance is built up. 为方便市民出行,以乘客的出行时间最小为目标,得到了公交线路中途站点最优平均站距的数学模型;
In the end, it expounds the successive approach method to confirm the boundary of abaxial beams, and how to realize global optimization of the aperture stop ′ s position using the entrance pupil ′ s distance variable. 提出充分利用像差渐晕改善像面照度均匀性的方法;论述标定轴外光束边界的逐次渐近过程和运用入瞳距离变量实现孔径光阑位置全域优化的技术。
In case of the test failure, so as to make the test vehicle stop in time, a brake device-air pressure machine feet that can be controlled from long distance by remote controller is designed, taking air pressure as power supply. 一旦试验失败,为了使试验车及时停下来,本文利用气压作为动力源,研究设计了一种能通过摇控器进行远程控制的制动装置&气压式机器脚。
Such kind of bus stop can increase the capacity of both bus stop and intersection; moreover it can decrease the transfer distance of passengers. 此种布置模式不仅可提高停靠站及交叉口通行能力,还可缩短乘客换乘距离;
The temperature and stress fields in a thin plate with collinear cracks are determined in this paper when an electric current is activated to stop crack propagation at remote distance from the cracks. 讨论了对带有n个共线裂纹的薄板,在无穷远处加载电流实施止裂时板内的温度场和应力场。
For a high speed train to stop within the limited brake distance, it is necessary to reduce its weight and adopt a proper structure for the brake discs according to given structures of a bogie. 基础制动装置应保证在满足高速列车制动距离要求的前提下,尽量减轻重量,并根据不同的转向架结构形式采用不同的制动盘结构。
The electronic antiskid device of railway car can make high-speed cars stop safely in given distance. It is an important component for ensuring driving safety. 铁路客车电子防滑器使高速列车能在规定的距离内安全停车并防止滑行,是保证行车安全的重要部件。
The planner is a general framework and can be used for different kinds of tasks, such as simultaneous start-asynchronous stop, simultaneous start-simultaneous stop, and terminal distance keeping. 该算法具有普适的计算框架,适用于各种机器人协作工作任务。针对同时启动不同时终止、同时启动同时终止和末端距离约束等不同的协作任务,给出了不同的处理办法。
Carrier borne aircraft arresting equipment is a kind of important safeguard equipment for aircraft carrier. It is used to stop an carrier borne aircraft with certain speed in a short distance. 舰载机拦阻设备是航空母舰上重要的常务保障装备,此设备的作用是将具有一定能量的舰载机在较短的距离内拦停。